What to Expect From a Roof Replacement

If your roof is nearing its expected lifespan or shows signs of extensive damage, it’s probably time to replace it. In a standard replacement, a reputable roofing contractor will make minor repairs, replace bad wood with new 1 x 6 sheathing boards or plywood and install underlayment, ice dam protection, metal drip edging, valley flashings and ridge vents.

Roof Replacement

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. It stands up to blazing sun, pouring rains, gusty winds and snow and ice for decades, protecting your home from water damage and other problems. Reach out to Roofing Helena MT for expert assistance.

But over time, wear and tear takes its toll on the structure. Eventually, you’ll need to replace your roof with newer materials if the damage is severe or widespread.

During roof replacement, contractors remove the old shingles and felt paper or moisture barrier before installing new materials. They may also repair any decking or other components that are damaged during the removal process. It’s also a good time to cut back any encroaching trees or move outdoor objects that could be hit by debris during the re-roofing process, such as plants, ceramic landscaping features and satellite dishes.

Whether you’re replacing a small section or the entire roof, it’s important to understand the construction of your roof and the different materials that are used in its construction. While this article won’t cover the actual structure of a roof, like rafters and trusses, we will talk about the different layers that make up your roof system. This will help you better understand what to expect from a roof replacement and how the various materials work together to protect your home. Also, keep in mind that it’s often a good idea to run the edge of the new section to a ridge or valley, which will minimize comparison between old and new sections.

The Materials

There is a lot of information out there about what type of roofing materials you should use, and it can be overwhelming. The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your choice of material will depend on the predominant style of home in your area, the climate where you live, and the budget that you have to work with.

There are many different types of roofing materials on the market, including shingles, metal, and tile. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some roof materials are more suited to certain climates than others, and the pitch (angle) of your roof can also influence which materials you choose.

Regardless of the roof type you ultimately choose, there are several other materials that are necessary to complete your roof replacement. These include:

Pipe boots are pieces of rubber that fit securely around the holes in your roof created for ventilation pipes, such as those that release gas or moisture from the house. These are essential to prevent water and air from leaking into the house. Roofers will typically replace these when doing a roof replacement.

Sheathing boards are the base of your new roof and help to protect it from water damage. These are normally made from plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). During the roof replacement process, sheathing boards may need to be replaced due to soft spots or wood rot.

In some regions, you will need to install ice dam protection for your roof. This is a synthetic waterproof barrier that helps to prevent melting ice from backing up under the shingles and penetrating through sheathing boards and into the house.

Lastly, your new roof will need flashing to seal the areas where the roof meets other surfaces on your home or other structures like chimneys and vents. Flashing is usually made from galvanized steel or copper and can be pre-painted, or left to oxidize for a raw metal finish.

There are also various types of shingle underlayment that can be used to add an extra layer of protection to your roof. These are normally tucked under the shingles and secured with adhesive or nails.

The Installation Process

As you can imagine, roof replacement involves much more work than just repairing your roof. It requires the tearing off of your old roof and installing new roofing materials. This process can take up to a day, depending on how large your home is and how complex its roof structure is. It also depends on the weather conditions. You will have to move things inside your home or put items away to protect them from being damaged by rain, wind, and debris. The first thing your roofer will do is to remove any protrusions like chimneys, skylights, and vents. Once the roof is clear, they will start with the tearing off process.

Once the old shingles are removed, your roofer will install new felt or moisture barrier. They will then begin putting on rows of new shingles, starting at the eaves and metal drip edge and working upward toward the ridge. They will also replace the flashing, which is installed over joints on your roof to prevent water seepage. This includes the flashing around your roof’s valleys, chimney, and vents.

After the shingle layer is complete, your roofer will install ridge capping and any vents needed for your roof’s ventilation system. They will also install any other protective systems your roof may need, such as ice dam protection and underlayment.

Before the roofers leave, they will have to do a quality assurance inspection. This is done by an independent professional who makes it their job to check the workmanship on your new roof and ensure that it meets the high standards you agreed to.

When your new roof is finished, the contractors will clean up any debris that has fallen. They will also blow off your roof to ensure that all of the trash is gone. They will then come back and do a final inspection to make sure everything was installed correctly.

While a full roof replacement is the most expensive way to get a new roof, there are many financing options that can help you pay for it. Some of these include a cash-out refinance, a line of credit, or even charging the purchase to your credit card. It is important to discuss these options with your contractor so that you can determine the best course of action for you.

When is Your Child Ready For Potty Training?

A child is ready for potty training when he or she shows interest in using the toilet. Children usually start showing signs for potty use at 18 months.

Some parents try rewarding their child with stickers, extra sweets or toys when they get on the potty. However, this can backfire. Read on Rent Potty for more information.

Potty Training

1. Let Your Child See You Use the Potty

When your child is ready to use the potty, show them how to do it. Give them a chance to imitate you and ask them to sit on the potty in their clothes, too (if you’re using an actual toilet, make sure they are securely seated with a potty seat). It helps when they see their parents, siblings or even grandparents do it so they don’t feel embarrassed or discouraged if they have an accident.

Once they are comfortable with the process, encourage them to use the potty whenever you see that they might need to go. This might include taking them to the bathroom right after they wake up, before and after meals, before and after going outside, and in between different playtime activities.

Also, remind them to put on clean pants and underwear after they finish peeing on the potty and to flush it when they’re finished. If you notice them holding back on pee a lot or have frequent accidents, talk to your doctor because regressions can be signs of medical issues.

Avoid negative language about the potty or poop when talking to your toddler; this will only discourage them and make them more resistant. Instead, try to use simple, straightforward words like “pee” and “poop.” Point out that other family members, such as pets, do the same thing to help normalize the process for your child. Eventually, they’ll learn to recognize their body’s cues and will start going on their own. This will save you a lot of time and effort, too!

2. Make the Potty a Part of Your Routine

Encourage your child to sit on the potty chair or toilet at regular times throughout the day, ideally when they are naked. Explain what they are doing and talk about the potty with them. Many children will want to go to the potty on their own after some time and this is fine – they have learned it’s important, and you have encouraged them!

Some children may need a reminder to go to the potty, but remember that forcing them can be distressing. Instead, try saying, “If you need to poop or pee in the potty, let me know. Okay?”

Schedule sitting on the potty at key times in your child’s day, like after every meal, and before naps and bed. Many parents find that if they take their child to the potty at these times, they are less likely to have accidents.

It’s also helpful to teach your child what to do when they have to poo or pee on the potty, by asking them to say ‘wee’ and ‘poo’ when they are feeling it. Teaching them these words will help them learn to control their bladder and bowel movements on their own.

When your child uses the potty, it’s important to praise them and show excitement for their success. This will give them confidence and encouragement to keep going on their own. However, if your child has an accident, don’t punish them or be disappointed in them. It is a normal part of the learning process and showing disappointment will set them back. It is also a good idea to talk to your children’s other caregivers, such as grandparents or babysitters, about your potty training strategy so that everyone will be on the same page.

3. Encourage Your Child to Speak Up

Children who are able to communicate their needs and wants are less likely to have problems with toilet training. For example, some children who have been trained can regress and start having accidents again during times of stress such as the birth of a sibling. If this happens, talk to your child’s doctor.

One way to encourage kids to speak up is to involve them in family decisions that they can contribute to. For example, ask kids for their opinions when deciding what to do on the weekend or let them pick out storybooks at the library. Giving them these opportunities to communicate their opinions will help kids feel like they have a voice and that it matters.

Another way to encourage your child to speak up is to make sure they have a comfortable and inviting place to go to the potty. For example, decorating their bathroom with their favorite characters or colorful artwork may make it more inviting to keep going to the potty. Also, keeping a consistent potty routine and celebrating small successes can help motivate your children to keep going.

Finally, making a potty time fun by reading books together or having them play with toys on the potty can make it an exciting part of their day. Many children are afraid of the potty because they think it’s dirty or that they will make a mess, but if you set a positive tone and make it fun they will become more interested in going to the potty.

You can also try using the method of graduated guidance by bringing your child to the potty at regular intervals, such as first thing in the morning and after meals and naps. This will help them learn to recognize the signs that they need to go and will allow them to use the potty on their own.

4. Don’t Punish Your Child

Children who are punished for using the potty may become fearful of toilet training and stop trying altogether. Punishment also reduces a child’s desire to follow their parent’s lead, which is the main motivation for taking this big leap.

Similarly, don’t punish your child for having accidents or for wetting or soiling their clothes. This can make a child hesitant to use the potty and it can also cause resentment towards their parents. Instead, be calm and reassuring when your child has an accident. Explain that everyone has wet or soiled pants from time to time and encourage your child to come clean.

Also, don’t try to bribe your child with food or candy to get them to use the potty. This can lead to unhealthy eating habits later in life and can also reinforce the idea that there are certain foods that are “good” or “bad.” It’s best to stick to praise when your child uses the potty.

If your child doesn’t want to sit on the potty, try reading to them or letting them play with a toy while they are there. For many kids, this is the key to overcoming their resistance. Then, they’ll be ready to start toilet training again. If your child is still resistant, talk to your doctor. It’s possible that they have a medical condition, like urinary tract infections or constipation, that could be contributing to their issues. Your doctor can help diagnose any underlying problems and provide you with helpful tips on how to address them. They may recommend starting with a diaper and gradually moving to using the potty without one. Also, they may recommend changing your routine to include sitting on the potty first thing in the morning and right after naps.

5. Be Patient

Children need patience during the potty training process. They must be taught that it is normal to have accidents. They also need to be encouraged to keep trying and not be discouraged by temporary setbacks that occur for a variety of reasons, including lack of readiness, anxiety or stress, and illness. Parents who are patient will find that their child is able to use the potty more quickly and successfully than those who become frustrated or impatient.

If your child is displaying the signs that they are ready to begin toilet training, such as staying dry for long periods of time, recognizing when their diaper is wet or full and wanting to be changed, refusing to wear pants and preferring to sit in underwear, then it may be time to make the switch from diapers. You should have a potty chair in their room or other part of the house and make regular trips (“practice runs”) there while they are fully clothed, especially after waking up and after meals.

When you start toilet training, it is helpful to offer rewards (stickers or other prizes) for success on the potty. However, be careful that you don’t overuse this strategy as your child may come to expect rewards for just about everything they do! In addition, some research suggests that using rewards can actually slow the progress of toileting because it gives the child a wrong message about what they need to do in order to earn a reward.

Once your child is successfully using the potty, they will want to wear big kid pants outside of the home and be independent of their diapers. Be sure to take the potty with you on outings so your child gets experience being diaper free in other places. Also, be sure that all of your family members and caregivers are on the same page regarding how to handle toileting with your child – consistency is important!

How to Properly Clean a Grease Trap

Grease Trap Perth is a key component of any restaurant’s plumbing system. They prevent fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from reaching sewer systems, where they can cause blockages and costly sewer overflows.

Restaurants usually use a gravity grease interceptor that is buried on the site. But newer, high-capacity models are popular for commercial kitchens on nontraditional sites that don’t have the space for a GGI.

Grease traps are boxes within the drain run that catch fats, oils, and greases (FOG) while they flow from kitchen sinks into the sewer system. These traps help reduce the amount of FOG that enters municipal sewer systems and water treatment plants, reducing the impact on local communities.

Restaurants generate a lot of FOG that can cause problems for public sewer systems and private septic tanks. Putting a lot of FOG down the drains causes the waste to solidify and block sewer pipes, leading to clogs, back-ups, and sewer spills. FOGs also affect water treatment plants by putting extra strain on them.

FOGs can contaminate drinking water and create unpleasant and dangerous fumes in the kitchen. This is a health and safety issue for staff and customers, and it leaves a lingering odor that can make diners unhappy.

Most municipalities require restaurants to install Grease Traps or grease Interceptors to protect their sewer lines and sewage treatment plants. Restaurants must ensure that their grease traps or interceptors are properly sized and cleaned to avoid costly and unsanitary issues.

A well-maintained and regulated Grease Trap/Grease Inlet helps prevent the accumulation of large amounts of FOG in the drain line, which can block a kitchen drain and cause wastewater to back up into the building or overflow into the streets. This can cause expensive and unpleasant cleanups, as well as a tainted reputation for the establishment.

There are many different styles and sizes of grease traps available. They can be built in-house, above ground or under the floor, and they may be made of stainless steel, concrete or plastics. They can be designed to accommodate one or more kitchens and can have a maximum capacity of 45,000 liters.

The best grease trap for your restaurant depends on the size and needs of your business. Generally speaking, small businesses will use passive systems while larger ones will opt for high-capacity HGIs.

When choosing a grease trap, consider the cost of installation, maintenance, pumping and disposal fees. In addition, check to see if your municipality has regulations and guidelines for grease traps/interceptors. If not, it’s a good idea to seek guidance from an experienced and knowledgeable professional to ensure that your grease trap meets all regulations for your specific area.


A grease trap is a wastewater management system that collects fats, oils and grease (FOG) from kitchen drains. It prevents these fatty wastes from entering the sewer system, and helps to keep kitchens safe by removing dangerous pollutants. The Grease Trap is typically located underneath kitchen sinks, and works by collecting FOG from drains using a series of baffles. It is important to regularly clean the Grease Trap to avoid build-up of FOG.

Physicochemical analysis of the floated scum, suspended solid-liquid wastewater and settled sludge samples collected from 64 grease traps operated by various food and beverage stalls in a community market showed that sludge samples had different physicochemical properties compared to scum samples. Free fatty acids such as palmitic and oleic acids were the primary constituents in the sludge samples. The sludge samples also contained more diverse mineral/metal elements than the scum samples. These findings suggest four potential mechanisms for FOG solid formation, separation and accumulation inside the grease traps.

The sludge in the grease traps contains organic and inorganic matter and may contain some dissolved sewage. In order to reduce sludge volume, it is recommended to periodically flush the grease trap with hot water to remove accumulated sludge. However, this should not be done more than once per month to avoid damage to the baffle walls of the grease trap.

An alternative to flushing the grease trap is to add a biological grease treatment solution to the system. This solution combines non-pathogenic bacteria with nutrients and enzymes to break down FOGs and aid grease trap performance. It can be added to the grease traps inlet stage or outlet stage, or both.

Another way to reduce sludge build-up is to recycle the brown grease by placing it in pits where it can dry out and become solid. The solidified grease can then be mixed with sawdust, moss or wood chips to form compost or used as an additive to improve soil fertility and boost crop yields. The grease can even be treated to produce biodiesel. This process is becoming increasingly popular, as the technology improves.


A grease trap is a vital part of your kitchen. It removes FOGs from your wastewater, keeping them out of the sewer system where they can cause expensive clogs and back-ups. However, using chemicals in your trap can kill the natural bacteria inside and make the grease and sludge thicker. It’s best to keep away from bleach, emulsifiers, enzymes, and other chemical cleaners. These chemicals can damage your grease trap and the rest of your plumbing system.

The City currently requires grease traps to be treated with a non-pathogenic biologically active bactericide. These products are dispensed directly into the grease traps by means of an automatic dosing pump. Consistent dosing of a bacterial-based product will allow a colony to develop in the grease trap, reducing FOGs and odors. This treatment can extend the time between cleaning and pumping of the grease trap, saving you money.

Characterization results showed that the sludge samples from Grease Trap B had higher TS, VS, and FS concentrations than the scum samples, suggesting a different mechanism for FOG solid formation, separation, and accumulation in the middle layer of the grease trap. Moreover, the sludge samples from the stir-fry restaurants had a greater proportion of saturated FFAs (70-80%), while the scum samples had more unsaturated FFAs (20-30%). These results verified that the FOGs in a grease trap may differ based on the types of food and beverage establishments served, and they are likely to influence the physicochemical properties of wastewater in the sludge and scum layers in a grease trap.

The bottom line is that if FOGs are allowed to flow into the sewer system, they can cause a clog or back-up that can release raw sewage into groundwater and streams, as well as streets, parking lots, homes, and businesses. Aside from being bad for the environment, this can also be costly for businesses that rely on these systems to do their work.

Having a good maintenance program for your grease trap can prevent these problems. By changing from monthly to quarterly pump outs and adding a grease trap treatment, one restaurant saved $1,800 per year.


Keeping grease traps clean and operating well is critical for restaurants to avoid sewer back-ups and expensive maintenance fees. However, this isn’t always a simple task. Grease traps must be cleaned regularly to reduce the risk of FOG getting into sewage lines, where it can cause costly blockages and even sanitary sewer overflows. Whether your restaurant has an old-style grease trap or a state-of-the-art interceptor, it’s essential to understand how the device works and what you can do to ensure proper and consistent maintenance.

A clogged grease trap will emit rancid odors that can be extremely unpleasant for employees and customers. FOG will also build up in the trap, reducing its efficiency and causing problems such as back-ups and slow draining. Eventually, FOG will reach the city sewer line, where it can contribute to massive blockages that can span entire city blocks.

The best way to prevent these problems is by scheduling regular grease trap cleanings by a professional. A professional can help you create a schedule that will keep your trap clean and free of FOG, and they’ll also make sure you’re compliant with local regulations. Many professionals also offer a wide range of other services such as septic tank pumping and maintenance, fire protection system inspections, and more.

In addition to hiring a professional to clean your grease trap, you can also help prevent the build-up of FOG by making sure kitchen staff are educated on proper waste disposal practices. This includes teaching them to never pour cooking grease or oils down the drain. In addition, it’s important to encourage your staff to empty the trash and recycle properly, as this will help minimize the amount of FOG that ends up in your grease trap.

FOG management systems such as grease traps and interceptors can greatly reduce the risk of sewer blockages, back-ups, and fines. However, if you’re not comfortable with handling the maintenance yourself, you can hire a commercial plumber who specializes in this type of work. A qualified plumber will be familiar with all local regulations and have the tools and equipment needed to handle the job.

The Importance of a Mobile Security Trailer in the Fight Against Crime

Mobile Security Trailer are important tools in the fight against crime. Whether installed tactfully in public areas to deter criminal activity or in businesses to manage operations, these cameras provide invaluable information that can catch criminals and help you protect your property.

Most home security cameras can be installed DIY, though some companies, like Abode, offer professional installation. Before buying, you should also consider a camera’s connectivity and image resolution.

Security cameras can help you protect your home, business, and valuables from theft and vandalism by deterring criminals. Visible cameras can make intruders think twice about committing a crime and serve as crucial evidence when an unfortunate event occurs.

Security camera footage can also be useful in legal scenarios by providing irrefutable proof that supports insurance claims or law enforcement investigations. This footage can assist in identifying suspects, tracing their movements, and determining what caused a loss.

Modern security cameras also feature remote monitoring, allowing homeowners to check in on their property from anywhere using smartphones or computers. Some systems even send instant alerts to homeowners when unusual activity is detected. This can be a huge benefit for busy parents who often worry about how their children or pets are doing while they’re away.

Many security cameras use motion detection technology to determine whether or not to record. This feature allows you to set a threshold so that minor scene changes won’t trigger recording, significantly reducing bandwidth and storage consumption.

Depending on the system you choose, security cameras can store data locally on a hard drive or an onsite storage server. However, storing data this way can leave it vulnerable to hackers and other potential tampering. Therefore, it’s important to backup your footage regularly.

While security cameras have numerous benefits, they can also pose a privacy concern. If not properly implemented, these cameras can infringe on people’s right to privacy by recording them without their consent. Privacy concerns can be particularly heightened in residential areas where neighbors may expect a certain level of privacy.

Regardless of the reason for your investment in a security camera, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions to protect your property. Regularly review your footage, update firmware as needed, and keep passwords secure to prevent unauthorized access to your cameras. Finally, consider subscribing to a service that offers professional monitoring. This can reduce your maintenance costs and provide peace of mind, knowing that if something does happen, the authorities will be notified immediately.

Deterring theft

Security cameras help deter theft by making would-be thieves think twice about committing the crime. In addition, a camera can catch them in the act so police can quickly stop them and arrest them. However, if you want your security cameras to deter theft successfully, it’s important that they work properly. A study from Queen’s University found that malfunctioning security cameras can actually increase the likelihood of criminal activity.

To avoid this, choose a camera that has secure mounts and a strong IP rating. You should also ensure that the camera is encrypted and end-to-end so no one else can access your footage. It’s also a good idea to look at the camera manufacturer’s history of breaches and avoid any companies that have had security issues in the past.

A smart security camera with built-in two-way audio will allow you to communicate with a thief in real time and scare them away. It can be a good option for homes in high-crime areas or in schools. The best way to get the most out of your security camera is to pair it with a professional monitoring service. This will usually come with monthly costs, but if an alarm is triggered, a technician will instantly call the household to investigate and dispatch the authorities as needed.

Another great way to boost the effectiveness of your security camera is to install a motion-activated light near it. A sudden flash of bright lights will startle intruders and make them run away. Some cameras come with tamper detection features, which will send instant alerts if someone tries to remove or destroy the camera. You can also add an uninterruptible power supply to the system so it will continue working even if someone cuts off its power. Lastly, consider burying or hiding the wires to make it harder for bad actors to cut them. This will also make the camera less noticeable to intruders. In addition to these measures, it’s a good idea to put a sign or sticker on your door or windows that says your home is monitored by security cameras. This can be a powerful deterrent for would-be burglars and can save you a lot of money and stress in the long run.

Capturing evidence

Security cameras provide reliable evidence that can be used in legal proceedings. When positioned properly and optimized for capturing quality footage, they can help law enforcement officers build a case by eliminating potential witness misreports or false accusations.

A well-designed camera system can also help ensure that all the relevant information is recorded and stored for future use. A key element in the effectiveness of surveillance systems is ensuring that all files are correctly time-stamped and labeled with accurate details, such as date and location. Performing regular backups of the original files and storing copies offsite can further strengthen forensic quality.

By using high-resolution cameras with night vision capabilities, you can record activities in a wide range of lighting conditions. In addition, many cameras are equipped with motion detection technology that triggers recordings based on specific events, saving you valuable storage space and bandwidth usage. Some cameras even support Power over Ethernet (PoE), a feature that eliminates the need to wire external power sources.

One of the biggest challenges that law enforcement faces is finding reliable eyewitnesses to testify in criminal cases. While security cameras can’t replace a witness, they can be used to supplement existing physical evidence at the crime scene. For example, if a business’s window was broken during a break-in, a security camera could show where the suspect stood when the glass was broke and confirm that the police’s theory of what happened is correct.

Security cameras can also help to identify suspects, especially in cases involving large crowds of people. In addition to identifying the general area of the suspect’s movement, security camera images can also provide more detailed information such as clothing and body language.

Smart criminals are aware of the limitations of security cameras and may plan their crimes accordingly. For example, they may attempt to avoid areas with cameras or wear simple disguises to conceal their identities. Moreover, some criminals may also become desensitized to the presence of cameras and ignore them altogether. To prevent these types of incidents, it is essential to optimize motion detection settings and regularly review system logs for suspicious activity.

Monitoring your business

Security cameras can help you monitor your business in real-time. Some systems, such as those designed for home use, can be accessed through an app on a smartphone. Others, such as those built for businesses or commercial property, require special software that needs to be installed and configured to recognize and control the camera.

Once a camera has captured the images or video it has recorded, it must be stored in a location. The older security camera models used VCR tapes, but today most utilize hard drives that allow for a great deal of storage capacity. This storage device can either be located on a network server, allowing for easy monitoring and access, or a dedicated standalone unit, usually with remote access features.

In addition to the obvious safety and security benefits of a security system, it also provides valuable information for operational efficiency. Footage from surveillance cameras can provide a wealth of data, allowing you to pinpoint any areas where productivity is low or processes are inefficient. This data is a vital resource for businesses looking to minimize costs and maximize profit.

In the event that a theft or other incident occurs, surveillance footage can be invaluable in supporting your claim to an insurance company. Not only does it provide a record of the event, but it can also prevent future incidents by deterring potential thieves or vandals. Footage from security cameras can also be useful in identifying and locating stolen goods or equipment.

Another benefit of a security camera system is that it can assist in resolving business disputes. Often, such issues are resolved by managers and HR who lack real evidence and may not resolve the issue in a fair or equitable manner. However, with access to real-time footage, the dispute can be more quickly and easily settled.

In the event of an emergency, some security cameras can give police and fire departments a livestream of the situation, which can speed up response time. For example, the SimpliSafe alarm system allows for this feature and can even show if you have set your alarm off accidentally. While this type of video verification isn’t available for every system, it’s a good option to consider for your business.